The autorun script allows to pull a real world graph from OSM, run a simulation on it and then analyze the trace of the simulation. The python file also contains various functions that are used to analyze graphs.
The required arguments of the program are (in order):
python [latitude of point] [longitude of point] [radius around point] [discretization step] [path of graph created] [output file]
[number of simulation to run] [max number of threads to run the simulations on] [protester coefficient] [iteration number]
[simulation rules]
That's a lot of args. The first 5 ones are used when generating a graph with OSMNX and pre-treating it. The output file is fairly self explanatory.
The number of sim is used to create mean stats of multiple simulation with the same rules.
The num of threads is self explanatory. The last arguments are the simulation parameters. See the protesting_on_graphs documentaion for more information.
The takes an optional argument : [flux start]
specifying the first iteration where the flux will start to be dumped. It's default value is [iteration number] - 10